your boss is chit chatting away but you've tuned him right out. your belly is the top dog now and he is telling you something far more important, "grumble, grumble, grrrrumble." loosely translated (because thats what I like to do around here), eat or else...
panic sinks in as the great debate ensues. what to eat, what to eat?! something sweet? no salty! or wait, something chewy? no no, something crispy. but chewy! but sweet! aahhh!
the possibilities are frustratingly endless, but i'm here to tell you my friend. you can have it long as you're not aiming for anything near healthy.
introducing (drum roll please) momofuku's compost cookies. an unbelievably delicious maybe even heavenly (albeit odd) mix of oats, chocolate, peanut butter, coffee and (wait for it) chips and pretzels!
gasp! wha...?
yeah. chips in a cookie. its genius. and can be replicated at home thanks to the (equally) genius man who runs a lil' oatmeal cookie blog and clearly understands that spending $5.00 for one cookie is a bit ludicrous. oh yeah, and that people do happen to live outside of the city and should not be denied proper protection against hunger.
snack snack and away!
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