boy there sure is a lot to do two months before your wedding. like, a whole lot. and while i have had a few headaches and even more paper cuts (darn invites) i know it is all going to be worth it when i see this...
...that is my dear friend kerry (and all 24975 of her teeth) on her wedding day. and just seeing how happy she is, how much fun she was having, and how loved she felt i know it is all going to be worth it come may 15th.
until then, i'll be taking a leave of absence from the blogging world. you can still keep tabs on all things chantersouslapluie via twitter.
miss you already.
xoxo, ashley
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
a nod to the "little guys" (or should i say gals?)
the wedding industry is a $86 billion a year industry. with that lil' stunner of a statistic its easy to see why so many brides get lost in the fuss of it all and planning wedding takes a turn from what really matters and becomes more of a factory churning out generic decisions.
when jason and i began planning our wedding i may not have known what i wanted everyone to wear or whether or not we would serve cake, but i did know i didn't want to lose focus on what this all was really about - us and the incredible journey we are about to embark on, together. and one way that has helped me keep focus is turning away from the big-businesses and using local vendors.
here they are...
engagement photos
tess smith photography
tess is an impressive and amazing mother of three. her love and passion for life is apparent in every photo she takes. my heart melts with every sneak peak she posts to facebook (which is quite often, she is pretty popular) as she has the ability to capture the tiniest glint in an eye, a shrug of a shoulder, a gleam of a smile which makes each picture so personal and so so special.
*please don't judge her from the above photo it's not her fault we can't take a picture.
**also, her sweet and adoring dedication from her family keeps her from doing time consuming weddings, but don't worry - i have someone great for that too. keep on reading...
lil' owl graphics
well, i can't show you them yet, but trust me when i say they are stunning. like tess, jen is a mother who appreciates the little things in life and this enthusiasm for love and life comes shows in her work which is always on the right side of special. she is patient, kind, and a pleasure to work with.
and she doesn't just do design - she knits. she knits the cutest hats i'm pretty sure that have ever been made.
mila rose designs
i! know!
she is adorable.
and that veil... don't even get me started. i can not wait to put that bad boy on my head!
and melissa doesn't just do custom and/or bridal work. she makes also makes the sweetest of headband, clips, and other lil' accessories that make getting ready pretty fun! if you're not lucky enough to live near several of the stores across the country that carry her work, you can pick a little something up from her etsy shop.
full bloom photography
kayla had me as soon as i clicked on her website and the most darling of love songs started to play. "i'm in the mood for love..." is the perfect setting to look over her adorable and heartfelt pictures which like tess's, capture the sweetest of moments with just the right splash or artistic flair. i can not wait to see what she has in store for us come may. oh and kayla is also a bride so besides running her own gig she is also planning her very own big day; check out her vendor recommendations here.
*also, this couple (as seen on kayla's blog ) is ridiculously bad ass. me and my pink/gold wedding are extremely intimidated.
when jason and i began planning our wedding i may not have known what i wanted everyone to wear or whether or not we would serve cake, but i did know i didn't want to lose focus on what this all was really about - us and the incredible journey we are about to embark on, together. and one way that has helped me keep focus is turning away from the big-businesses and using local vendors.
here they are...
engagement photos
tess smith photography
tess is an impressive and amazing mother of three. her love and passion for life is apparent in every photo she takes. my heart melts with every sneak peak she posts to facebook (which is quite often, she is pretty popular) as she has the ability to capture the tiniest glint in an eye, a shrug of a shoulder, a gleam of a smile which makes each picture so personal and so so special.
*please don't judge her from the above photo it's not her fault we can't take a picture.
**also, her sweet and adoring dedication from her family keeps her from doing time consuming weddings, but don't worry - i have someone great for that too. keep on reading...
lil' owl graphics
well, i can't show you them yet, but trust me when i say they are stunning. like tess, jen is a mother who appreciates the little things in life and this enthusiasm for love and life comes shows in her work which is always on the right side of special. she is patient, kind, and a pleasure to work with.
and she doesn't just do design - she knits. she knits the cutest hats i'm pretty sure that have ever been made.
mila rose designs
i! know!
she is adorable.
and that veil... don't even get me started. i can not wait to put that bad boy on my head!
and melissa doesn't just do custom and/or bridal work. she makes also makes the sweetest of headband, clips, and other lil' accessories that make getting ready pretty fun! if you're not lucky enough to live near several of the stores across the country that carry her work, you can pick a little something up from her etsy shop.
full bloom photography
kayla had me as soon as i clicked on her website and the most darling of love songs started to play. "i'm in the mood for love..." is the perfect setting to look over her adorable and heartfelt pictures which like tess's, capture the sweetest of moments with just the right splash or artistic flair. i can not wait to see what she has in store for us come may. oh and kayla is also a bride so besides running her own gig she is also planning her very own big day; check out her vendor recommendations here.
*also, this couple (as seen on kayla's blog ) is ridiculously bad ass. me and my pink/gold wedding are extremely intimidated.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
bario neal
i admit - i have accessories on the brain. and this lil' gem from bario neal might have made its way into my heart. (and as if the jewels weren't enough to win you over, the packaging is equally as unique.)
Monday, February 21, 2011
fete by prismera designs
i'm not usually one to get caught up in bunting, but the fete collection by prismera designs stopped me in my tracks. love the charming french sayings (mon petit chou, je reve, joie...)! not to mentin, the custom initials and banner design is just the perfect gift for a darling little one in your life.
i take my coffee with 2 scoops of memories.
i love my coffee mug. thats it, right there. and yes, it is my only coffee mug, but i wouldn't have it any other way. see, thats my brother and me. and while it is quite possibly the worst picture ever - it makes for just the best mornings ever. because everyone morning (coffee pot under the machine or not) i will always have my cup of coffee with a scoop or two of memories.
get your own here.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
press play. again.
today is a bit of an off day. it started with me making coffee without the pot in the machine if that gives you any idea of "off" this day has actually been.
so, here is an oldie (but goodie).
there are songs that within the first few notes, transport me to another time in my life. some happy, others sad. some reflective while others are plain out ridiculous.
the funny thing is, when people ask me what kind of music i like, i tend to respond with, "i'm not that into music." yet I can tell you my life story through a chain of songs.
put on your headphones and join me as i set the sound track to my life.
silent night - to most this is a christmas carol sung just 25 days or so out of the year. to me its a promise of comfort, love, and sleep. this is the song my mom would sing to me when i was a baby. and as a toddler, when waking up to put me back to bed a few times a night lost its novelty, this song was played to me on a music box i kept snuggly under my pillow. whenever i hear this song, to this very day, i am filled with an abundance of warmth, safety, and my mother's love from so so far away.
low rider, war- he wasn't in a band. and he didn't play any instruments (as far as i know). but my biggest brother (along with his buddies) recorded a cover of war's low rider and wow, when I heard that, IT was set in stone (i use to only think but now i knew) my brother was a rock star. was his number one fan. he was after all the one who drew maps when i'd wake up from naps so i knew where to find him and wouldn't feel afraid. the one who found me hiding from the family and a trip to the nursing home to visit my great grandmother (not even my dad who was circling the neighborhood in his company car could do that). the one who would sing songs about poop in my microphone with me. he was the one i wanted around all the time. so can you blame me for jumping on my low rider, er, big wheel when i woke up from a nap to find him gone and graduating from high school without me! but then the bugger one upped himself and went away to school, again without me! could you believe the nerve of this guy?! but after receiving a card with mr rogers on the front and a thingy of red play-dough (that i can still smell) i realized that he'll always be a rockstar in my eyes.
bette davis eyes, kim carnes - fast forward to third grade. my sister and (other) older brother were in high school. lets face it, i wasn't exactly the one they wanted to spend their time with and god forbid they be seen together. but one night for a few hours the star aligned and we not only spent time together but had fun doing it (gasp). we blame the perogies we had for dinner that night (the night did become known as "perogie night" afterall) because apparently my mom laced them drugs (or maybe just a dose of looooove). after a pillow fight, playing dress up, and throwing my sister's mattress across the room, we danced. with bette davis eyes on repeat we brushed our v-shaped fingers over our eyes and shook our hands like we were rolling a dice. man, we had moves. now whenever i eat perogies i anticipate something magical happening and of course, it never does. so maybe it wasn't the perogies maybe, just maybe, it was only some family wanting to have some good old fashion fun together.
one sweet day, mariah carey and boyz II men - my hair is perfectly flipped. my plaid jumper had never looked better. and my mary janes had never been so shiny. there i was at my first middle school dance. this song was on and my arms were wrapped around the love of my life's (well for that month at least and as far as middle school love goes) neck. his arms are around my back, no wait they're sliding down. what? where are they going? they're not suppose do go down there! what does he think he's doing? we never even kissed (well not kissed kissed). pure panic sets in as his hands come to their final resting place, my butt! gasp! luckily mariah hit her last haunting, utterly depressing note and the song came to end. phew, my virginity was still intact.
3 am, matchbox 20 - you can't make fun of me for listening to this song, everyone else was did too. heck, you probably had the cassette tape. you also can't make fun of me because this is the song i listened to as i got ready for my grandfather's funeral. while i was still young (in 8th grade) and didn't yet grasp the importance of getting to know your grandparents on a personal level, i did know there were things i was going to miss, things i took for granted, and thing i never ever told him were just great. his fedora. they way he knocked on the door when he came over. how he would always be the first to leave saying, "every party has pooper, thats why you invited me." how he'd take me to burger king on grandparent's day and always (always) acted surprised when i housed a whole whopper. his seat at the head of the table and the brown coffee mug he always drank out of. his hawaiian shirts. the little towel he'd wear on his belt when it was hot outside. the oyster crackers sprinkled with ranch seasoning that he never came over with out. all of that was gone and for the first time i grasped death. and it, my friends, is forever. but memories are too.
crazy game of poker, o.a.r -i broke up with my boyfriend of almost three years during my junior year of high school. and boy, was i scared. who the heck was i going to hang out with on friday nights now?! then my friend (and i won't name names because i want my parents to still like this person) took me, a few friends, and a water bottle full of booze (syphoned from a number of bottles from his mom's stash) out on the town. the goal: to teach me how to drink. a few swigs, several humiliating acts of drunkenness, and a box of powdered sugar donuts later i most certainly didn't know how to drink (i still don't),but i did learn the importance of friendship. barf (on all accounts).
bad day, daniel powter - i know, i know. these songs couldn't get much lamer, but hey its my life (as the equally lame bon jovi would say). so picture this i'm studying abroad in southern france my junior year of college. i have a like-new apartment all to myself with a cleaning service and fresh croissants delivered everyday. i have three of the bestest friends a girl could ask for all living within the same building. i'm traveling and eating and seeing things people only dream of. i'm drinking french wine by the kegs (literally, there were kegs of wine), sipping espresso in cafes, and wearing scarves like a true parisian. so whats so "bad day" about that? my dumb ass missed home so much, was so frustrated with the cultural differences, and couldn't bear waking up at 6 am to make it to class that i forgot to enjoy myself most of the time. and my bestest friends, well they were no help whatsoever. we moped around from futon to futon together with this god awful song on repeat (not by choice mind you. the french just really dug this song and would play it practically nonstop. why? i don't know - their french.) and putting down whole baguettes in minutes. mon deux, the songs are lame because i'm lame.
pda, john legand - at some point after meeting my current boyfriend (and again i won't say when that point was because i want my parents to still like him) i woke up in his bed. he jumped right out when the alarm went off, went to his closet and started getting dressed in a (wait for it) suit. you see i'm the creative type and i work in "fashion". a suit is a straight jacket to me. but hey, he works on wall street so what did i expect?! but then he turned on this song and i thought, "straight-edged white boy just might have some groove." you know that giddy feeling you get in a new relationship? well thats when it started and it hasn't gone away yet...
...that being said, i'm really looking forward to looking back on today's music and being transported to this time where i have never been happier, more in love, or more optimistic about what the future may hold.
i may not be in [to] music, but music is definitely in me.
whats your soundtrack?
so, here is an oldie (but goodie).
there are songs that within the first few notes, transport me to another time in my life. some happy, others sad. some reflective while others are plain out ridiculous.
the funny thing is, when people ask me what kind of music i like, i tend to respond with, "i'm not that into music." yet I can tell you my life story through a chain of songs.
put on your headphones and join me as i set the sound track to my life.
silent night - to most this is a christmas carol sung just 25 days or so out of the year. to me its a promise of comfort, love, and sleep. this is the song my mom would sing to me when i was a baby. and as a toddler, when waking up to put me back to bed a few times a night lost its novelty, this song was played to me on a music box i kept snuggly under my pillow. whenever i hear this song, to this very day, i am filled with an abundance of warmth, safety, and my mother's love from so so far away.
low rider, war- he wasn't in a band. and he didn't play any instruments (as far as i know). but my biggest brother (along with his buddies) recorded a cover of war's low rider and wow, when I heard that, IT was set in stone (i use to only think but now i knew) my brother was a rock star. was his number one fan. he was after all the one who drew maps when i'd wake up from naps so i knew where to find him and wouldn't feel afraid. the one who found me hiding from the family and a trip to the nursing home to visit my great grandmother (not even my dad who was circling the neighborhood in his company car could do that). the one who would sing songs about poop in my microphone with me. he was the one i wanted around all the time. so can you blame me for jumping on my low rider, er, big wheel when i woke up from a nap to find him gone and graduating from high school without me! but then the bugger one upped himself and went away to school, again without me! could you believe the nerve of this guy?! but after receiving a card with mr rogers on the front and a thingy of red play-dough (that i can still smell) i realized that he'll always be a rockstar in my eyes.
bette davis eyes, kim carnes - fast forward to third grade. my sister and (other) older brother were in high school. lets face it, i wasn't exactly the one they wanted to spend their time with and god forbid they be seen together. but one night for a few hours the star aligned and we not only spent time together but had fun doing it (gasp). we blame the perogies we had for dinner that night (the night did become known as "perogie night" afterall) because apparently my mom laced them drugs (or maybe just a dose of looooove). after a pillow fight, playing dress up, and throwing my sister's mattress across the room, we danced. with bette davis eyes on repeat we brushed our v-shaped fingers over our eyes and shook our hands like we were rolling a dice. man, we had moves. now whenever i eat perogies i anticipate something magical happening and of course, it never does. so maybe it wasn't the perogies maybe, just maybe, it was only some family wanting to have some good old fashion fun together.
one sweet day, mariah carey and boyz II men - my hair is perfectly flipped. my plaid jumper had never looked better. and my mary janes had never been so shiny. there i was at my first middle school dance. this song was on and my arms were wrapped around the love of my life's (well for that month at least and as far as middle school love goes) neck. his arms are around my back, no wait they're sliding down. what? where are they going? they're not suppose do go down there! what does he think he's doing? we never even kissed (well not kissed kissed). pure panic sets in as his hands come to their final resting place, my butt! gasp! luckily mariah hit her last haunting, utterly depressing note and the song came to end. phew, my virginity was still intact.
3 am, matchbox 20 - you can't make fun of me for listening to this song, everyone else was did too. heck, you probably had the cassette tape. you also can't make fun of me because this is the song i listened to as i got ready for my grandfather's funeral. while i was still young (in 8th grade) and didn't yet grasp the importance of getting to know your grandparents on a personal level, i did know there were things i was going to miss, things i took for granted, and thing i never ever told him were just great. his fedora. they way he knocked on the door when he came over. how he would always be the first to leave saying, "every party has pooper, thats why you invited me." how he'd take me to burger king on grandparent's day and always (always) acted surprised when i housed a whole whopper. his seat at the head of the table and the brown coffee mug he always drank out of. his hawaiian shirts. the little towel he'd wear on his belt when it was hot outside. the oyster crackers sprinkled with ranch seasoning that he never came over with out. all of that was gone and for the first time i grasped death. and it, my friends, is forever. but memories are too.
crazy game of poker, o.a.r -i broke up with my boyfriend of almost three years during my junior year of high school. and boy, was i scared. who the heck was i going to hang out with on friday nights now?! then my friend (and i won't name names because i want my parents to still like this person) took me, a few friends, and a water bottle full of booze (syphoned from a number of bottles from his mom's stash) out on the town. the goal: to teach me how to drink. a few swigs, several humiliating acts of drunkenness, and a box of powdered sugar donuts later i most certainly didn't know how to drink (i still don't),but i did learn the importance of friendship. barf (on all accounts).
bad day, daniel powter - i know, i know. these songs couldn't get much lamer, but hey its my life (as the equally lame bon jovi would say). so picture this i'm studying abroad in southern france my junior year of college. i have a like-new apartment all to myself with a cleaning service and fresh croissants delivered everyday. i have three of the bestest friends a girl could ask for all living within the same building. i'm traveling and eating and seeing things people only dream of. i'm drinking french wine by the kegs (literally, there were kegs of wine), sipping espresso in cafes, and wearing scarves like a true parisian. so whats so "bad day" about that? my dumb ass missed home so much, was so frustrated with the cultural differences, and couldn't bear waking up at 6 am to make it to class that i forgot to enjoy myself most of the time. and my bestest friends, well they were no help whatsoever. we moped around from futon to futon together with this god awful song on repeat (not by choice mind you. the french just really dug this song and would play it practically nonstop. why? i don't know - their french.) and putting down whole baguettes in minutes. mon deux, the songs are lame because i'm lame.
pda, john legand - at some point after meeting my current boyfriend (and again i won't say when that point was because i want my parents to still like him) i woke up in his bed. he jumped right out when the alarm went off, went to his closet and started getting dressed in a (wait for it) suit. you see i'm the creative type and i work in "fashion". a suit is a straight jacket to me. but hey, he works on wall street so what did i expect?! but then he turned on this song and i thought, "straight-edged white boy just might have some groove." you know that giddy feeling you get in a new relationship? well thats when it started and it hasn't gone away yet...
...that being said, i'm really looking forward to looking back on today's music and being transported to this time where i have never been happier, more in love, or more optimistic about what the future may hold.
i may not be in [to] music, but music is definitely in me.
whats your soundtrack?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
now, this is a giving tree.
while in the search for a cake stand for the three tiered delicious'ness we will be serving up to our lucky guests come may, i came this adorably rustic piece. it just a bit too outdoorsy for our soiree, but gosh, wouldn't it be so darn cute with your initials etched into the side?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
when pigs fly.
"photogenic" is not the word i use to describe either jason or myself. in fact i might go as far as to say, we're f*cking awful in front of the camera.
exhibit a.
us and our first car. please note the grimace gracing my mug and don't quote me on this but i think jason is actually vomiting.
exhibit b.
us on christmas eve. what you (apparently) can't see is the tiny little elves kicking us in the shins. it really is the only explanation for those painful smirks.
...and we both smiled.
february 12, 2011 people, mark it in your calendar people. like the ufo following halley's comet this only happen once a...never.
3 (three) months until our wedding day.
exhibit a.
us and our first car. please note the grimace gracing my mug and don't quote me on this but i think jason is actually vomiting.
exhibit b.
us on christmas eve. what you (apparently) can't see is the tiny little elves kicking us in the shins. it really is the only explanation for those painful smirks.
i mean, not even a professional photographer can capture a decent shot of the two of us. what. is. that?!
but this past weekend hell froze over...
...and we both smiled.
february 12, 2011 people, mark it in your calendar people. like the ufo following halley's comet this only happen once a...never.
3 (three) months until our wedding day.
Monday, February 14, 2011
i need, i want, i have to have...
...this 14 k gold forget me not ring crafted by brooklyn-based kiel maed. the delicate bow is the perfect subtle reminder of the one you love or to look both ways before backing out of a parking spot.
because lets face it a few dings, dents, and scratches are a less cute, more expensive reminder to do just that. trust me, i know from experience.
because lets face it a few dings, dents, and scratches are a less cute, more expensive reminder to do just that. trust me, i know from experience.
happy bhldn day
ever since i first heard that anthro/urban was launching a bridal line i have been concocting stories (also known as excuses) as to why i just needed/had to have a new wedding dress. and new bridesmaid dresses. and new shoes. (and a new bank account to support the chanter/rizzo wedding take II.)
so when i woke up today (on bhldn day) i slowly pulled myself out of bed, made my cup of coffee, and slathered peanut butter on my english muffin all while giving my computer the evil eye. what kind of vintage-inspired cuteness would be taunting me today? what little detail on the most perfect gown would send me reeling into a pit of remorse - why was i so impatient to get that ring on my finger? (oh right, because its amazing. and hes not so bad himself.) as i typed in the web address and the screen started to load i grimaced and sipped my too hot coffee in hopes that the burning sensation would take away the pain from what i was about to see.
but good news! its great, but its not that great.
may 15th, we're still on. and i'm oh so sorry i ever doubted you.
oh alright, if i haaad to take home a few things you just might find these in my closet....
so when i woke up today (on bhldn day) i slowly pulled myself out of bed, made my cup of coffee, and slathered peanut butter on my english muffin all while giving my computer the evil eye. what kind of vintage-inspired cuteness would be taunting me today? what little detail on the most perfect gown would send me reeling into a pit of remorse - why was i so impatient to get that ring on my finger? (oh right, because its amazing. and hes not so bad himself.) as i typed in the web address and the screen started to load i grimaced and sipped my too hot coffee in hopes that the burning sensation would take away the pain from what i was about to see.
but good news! its great, but its not that great.
may 15th, we're still on. and i'm oh so sorry i ever doubted you.
oh alright, if i haaad to take home a few things you just might find these in my closet....
rivulet dress - $1,600.00
citrine rose peplum dress - $650.00
scalloped platforms - $370.00
etoile birdcage veil - $130.00
Friday, February 11, 2011
speaking of ginger...
...why is it so darn delicious?
i just can't get enough it. with sushi. in cookies. candied. and even with my rum.
thats right, this beer girl has turned cocktail. try the drink that turned me (well, until i inevitably OD on it one night and ban nit from my drinking repertoire like 98% of all alcohol)and i'm sure you'll understand.
just mush a bit of fresh ginger in your glass, add a half an ounce of gosling's* black seal rum and top off with gosling's* stormy ginger beer. garnish with a lime wedge and enjoy.
*yes, gosling's is not optional. trust me, i've become a bit of a dark and stormy connoisseur. thats right, a connoisseur. fancy right? thats me, fancy. in fact so fancy that i'm going to try this recipe for a white and stormy that i found in my southwest spirit magazine on my last trip to exotic cleveland, ohio. oh la la.
ixnay on the easter egg.
finally, spring apparel isn't candy coated and plastered in pastels (but seeing as its dior, it is probably plastered in cash). regardless, i'm loving the throwback colors almost as much i'm loving dior's modern day spin on ginger.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
i couldn't have said it better my self.
"one of my new year's resolutions is to say "yes." yes to love, yes to life, yes to staying in more."
- liz lemon
looking for something more eloquent? a fancy notion perhaps? well skibble on over to my lovely and dear friend kerry's blog - where she always puts just about everything in perspective, including staying in.
Monday, February 7, 2011
he's in on it too.
no, not steve martin, but the father of this bride.
i knew my mom would be at it with askew-ed faces and lines such as "are you sure?" , "but you have to have..." and the always well received, "you can't do that". but my dad?! the creative, laid back guy - never!
or so i thought. then one day a few weeks ago he went to bat for her team.
you see, i'm not your traditional bride. i won't be walking down the aisle in a sequined ball of tulle. i won't throw my bouquet, wear a garter, or feed the love of my life cake. and for the love of god, i will not be piling my hair on top of my head in some twist, bun, or whatever the hell this is.
so when i showed my mom and dad a picture of how i wanted my hair i took their response of silence as a respectful "that is so you", but when i whipped out a second picture with my dad across the room and he responded with a "oh, is that the real picture?" i knew the silence was more of a "you can't do that" than the appreciation for my individuality that i had hoped for.
almost there.
dress - check
shoes - check
veil - check
accessories - uh, about that....! because quite frankly i can't make up my mind and dreaming about forgetting to buy jewelry for the big day and the sheer panic that ensues immediately following is getting quite old.
there is this little (or to be more accurate, really large) gem(s) from jcrew, which i owned for two days
until i exchanged it for a layered look of one of these
and two of these (one in ivory one in a dusty pink which matches my shoes)
but i still can't help but drool over these lovely creations
and two of these (one in ivory one in a dusty pink which matches my shoes)
but i still can't help but drool over these lovely creations
designed by lulufrost, which a girl can own and wear forever and ever. and then give to her equally fashionable daughter. (they also happen to cost about half the price of my dress which isn't as lovely.)
readers (if you are in fact out there) now is the time to speak up. whats a girl to wear?!
Friday, February 4, 2011
do you believe in soul mates?
cute, compact, and crafty; what don't these clutches from Emerson Made, have? oh thats right - my closet to call home. we'll have to fix that now, won't we?
after all, emerson herself is a girl after my own heart. her and her husband left the (big, bad) city behind them to follow their dreams on a farm. its there where emerson created her very own (and very adorable) line of apparel, accessories, footwear, and homegoods explaining, "EmersonMade is a company that believes in celebrating the uniqueness of the individual, the joy of being alive and all the smallness that makes up the Big Beautiful."
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
the road to suburbia is a smokey one. story 3 of 3.
(that yellow fire extinguisher is clearly not mine.)
growing up in the public school system my birthday always fell during fire prevention week. instead of a week of anticipation, invitations, and (of course) parades, ponies, and tiaras i was exposed to a week of films, presentations, and essays on burned buildings, charred memories, and the risks of almost anything bursting into the flames. instead of worrying what i might get for my birthday, who was going to sleepover, and what i was going to wear - i worried about all the crowded outlets, locked windows, and unorderly magazine piles which could (easy and obviously) cause my life to go up in flames.
why don't we have ladders at every second story window? what is our escape plan? where will we meet when we get outside? how fast can i stop, drop, and roll? and for love of god, who is going to get the dog?!
uncool public education. and very ineffective. and i know this because when our stove randomly burst into flames (and why wouldn't it?), saying i "panicked" and/or "froze" would be putting it lightly.
"what do you we do?uh, i think we call 911! jason, you call! where are my shoes? my wallet? my cell phone?" i screamed.
"you call 911. i'm going to get help," jason calmly said as he moseyed out the door and down the stairs.
"help? help? we don't need help. what we need is a new apartment!" i thought as i STOOD IN OUR APARTMENT calling 911.
yep, thats right. i stood in the apartment as it filled with black smoke, my eyes started to sting, and i couldn't breathe quite right. it wasn't until i was sticking my head out the window for a breath of fresh air that i realized that the only way out was practically blocked by flames and that this was not how i was taught to react in school. i grabbed my wallet, threw on some shoes, and ran out the door.
when the flames where extinguished (thanks to jason and the local hardware store's fire extinguisher, not the fire department.) and our apartment and everything we owned was covered in soot and smelled like burnt popcorn we decided it was time to leave the city and its bugs, rodents, and slow'ish reacting fire department behind us.
"jason, i want to new place to live by the time i get back," i said as i left that night for a 10 day business trip rolling my once red, now grey'ish (and smelly) suitcase behind me.
and because he is amazing. because he makes me so happy. and because he didn't like it anymore than i did, he found us a sweet little apartment in the suburbs of new york city.
Monday, January 24, 2011
that'll be nine million dollars...
so here is the dilemma. jason and i are paying for the wedding (and all it implies*) ourselves. well, lets be perfectly honest, i'm unemployed so jason is paying for the wedding (and all it implies*) himself. (i love you dear.)
with every check we write, vendor we confirm, and bill we receive jason's heart breaks just a little bit. you see, he (and i) want nothing more than to be able to buy our very own house and start our very own family.
we've already taken a lot of the common wedding on a budget tips to heart. we're hosting our shin-dig on a sunday, we're serving only beer and wine, and we're avoiding the typical (and costly and almost always overrated) sit down dinner by serving only heavy hors d'oeuvers. the thing is we want our family and friends (many of which will have to travel to the exotic and exciting city of cleveland for the affair) to not only have a great time, but to feel loved and appreciated - - after all weddings are quite costly for everyone involved.
so where do we draw the line when it comes to the wedding (also referred to by many as the most important day of our lives) and the budget? how cheap is too cheap? please do tell.
*excluding flowers, my parents are covering the flowers after this debacle
so here is the dilemma. jason and i are paying for the wedding (and all it implies*) ourselves. well, lets be perfectly honest, i'm unemployed so jason is paying for the wedding (and all it implies*) himself. (i love you dear.)
with every check we write, vendor we confirm, and bill we receive jason's heart breaks just a little bit. you see, he (and i) want nothing more than to be able to buy our very own house and start our very own family.
we've already taken a lot of the common wedding on a budget tips to heart. we're hosting our shin-dig on a sunday, we're serving only beer and wine, and we're avoiding the typical (and costly and almost always overrated) sit down dinner by serving only heavy hors d'oeuvers. the thing is we want our family and friends (many of which will have to travel to the exotic and exciting city of cleveland for the affair) to not only have a great time, but to feel loved and appreciated - - after all weddings are quite costly for everyone involved.
so where do we draw the line when it comes to the wedding (also referred to by many as the most important day of our lives) and the budget? how cheap is too cheap? please do tell.
*excluding flowers, my parents are covering the flowers after this debacle
a lil' something from tess smith photography (who is not nine million dollars and an absolute delight)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
well, this happened. story 2.5 of 3.
no, that is not our apartment building but it is owned and operated by the same landlord.
...and this is where our ongoing debate of how to escape a crumbling building was born.
we think, and this is my no means professional, sane, or safe advice, it would be best to run down the fire espace until you are forced to jump, although, i have my doubts that that would actually work. we are open to other, safer alternatives if you know of any.
on another note, our favorite sushi spot is located just a building away from this building. its a little hole in the wall (ba dum ching) that we went to on our first date and have returned to almost weekly since. in fact, that is how we came across this lil' mess - we went out for sushi. needless to say our hearts stopped when we saw this and with panic in our voices asked, " is that are sushi building?" followed (almost) immediately by, "oh right, and is anybody hurt?" and the (always) practical and new york favorite, "do you think it was a terrorist?"
it wasn't. they weren't. and no, it was not a terrorist just a lazy landlord.
*read story 1 and 2 here and here, respectively.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
forget drunk dialing...
...what about drunk wedding planning?
you know, when you kick back a few to unwind and forget about all the "what is she wearing? what are we eating? what shoes will match that dress? do we have to invite her? did i book my photographer for long enough? is it too late to change my mind on flowers? what if my hair falls out?*" shenanigans that are constantly trampling all over your good mood and rational thinking skills and then do something you regret in the morning.
like say, i don't know,completely change the bridesmaid dresses.
its just the worse and a real hazard for intoxicated brides to be. trust me and my now-non-ruffled bridesmaid dresses.
you know, when you kick back a few to unwind and forget about all the "what is she wearing? what are we eating? what shoes will match that dress? do we have to invite her? did i book my photographer for long enough? is it too late to change my mind on flowers? what if my hair falls out?*" shenanigans that are constantly trampling all over your good mood and rational thinking skills and then do something you regret in the morning.
like say, i don't know,completely change the bridesmaid dresses.
its just the worse and a real hazard for intoxicated brides to be. trust me and my now-non-ruffled bridesmaid dresses.
Friday, January 7, 2011
reason 32,729...
...that i need to stop looking at wedding websites.
this stunning number is from j.crew and the pleats? well, they are just to die for. but seeing as i've already bought my gown (hint: it too involves ruffle-like pleats), i'll have to settle for the mini version also known as reason 258 to lose 30 pounds, flatten my chest, and work on my posture.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
two signs of old age

one.) you not only enjoy drinking tea, but you also offer it to your guests
two.) you own a tea set
until today i was only guilty of the least incriminating of the two, that is i now enjoy drinking tea and think everyone who steps foot in my apartment should enjoy it too damn it. but now i've taken the plunge. buy me some orthopedic shoes, give me a perm, and pass me my dentures will ya, because today i buckled. today i bought this tea set (at west elm).
...but with its bright colors and clever cork, you may call me old but definitely not old fashioned.
drink up. its good for you and maybe afterwards we can head over to church for some bingo.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
resolution number one.

each year when new years eve rolls around and everyone starts throwing out the question, "what are going to do for new years?" and the even more feared, "what are your resolutions?" i bunker down in my apartment, turn off the lights, and go to sleep shockingly sober and before 10 o'clock.
this year, call me crazy, i stayed up until 12:01AM, had a few drinks, AND throwing all caution to the wind made a few resolutions, most of which i am not going to share with you (if i don't live up to them no one will ever know and me? well, i'll just revert back to my old ways swearing off resolutions because i am fine just the way i am and i don't need a new calendar year to tell me to change thankyouverymuch. win, win).
alright, i'll throw you a bone. i'll tell you one; i am going to be a more* grateful person in 2011. in fact, i'm even going to go as far as keeping a gratitude journal as oprah suggested way back in, i don't know, 1996. and while i intended to share with you the list's highlights at the months' end the past four days have been filled with so many wonderful things i thought, "why the heck not fill you in now?" so here it goes.
i am grateful for...
- the delectable (i mean really f*cking good) duck i made on new years eve
- the car jason bought me which finally made an appearance in our lives
- waking up without a hangover
- fireplaces
- finding flower girl dresses for $30 at the crewcuts factory outlet when what you were really suppose to be looking for was grown-up interview clothes
- naps
- jason's understanding of my award winning mood swings (ok, i lied. i've never won an award for being an impractical b*tch, but i so could, if there was such a thing.)
- naps
- clementine season (seriously, i've put down roughly half a carton in the past two days alone.)
- soft pretzels with tostidos queso dip (obviously eating healthy didn't make the resolution list.)
- kisses on the arm
- late july organic cookies with vanilla bean/green tea filling (so i'm just going to wrap up this whole fat girl category up by saying i am VERY grateful for food in general.)
- AND plane tickets to Italy for our honeymoon. europe in the spring - to quote one of the least grateful (and most hungry) person i've ever seen on tv, "i.die.
what are you grateful for? and hey, what are your resolutions*?
*gasp, ew, pretend i didn't ask that - you are fine just the way you are.
Monday, January 3, 2011
it will be defeated.

in the constant battle of me vs. my hair - my hair always wins.
...and by "wins" i mean drives me completely insane until i just have to chop it all off.
but this time its different. this time there is wedding hair on the line. we're talking a mad men inspired hair do, hundreds of photos, and lifelong memories. my hair will be defeated! i'm ready to pull out any and all stops to make this long hair happen, but mainly i'm just going to ignore it until its all of a sudden long.
...and by "ignore it" i mean wear hats.
hats like this little number by The Fantastico Knit Factory on etsy. its just the right mix of vintage, cozy, and high fashion; what more can a girl on a battlefield ask for.
victory is mine.
because no one should see their fiance jump on the bed and scream like a girl. story 2 of 3.

awhile back i told you how the big apple is more of a bad apple. well here the saga continues and it starts with a squeak.
much to the carpet-stained-dismay of my mother, annoyed-inconvenience of former roommates, and head-shaking confusion of my fiance (although his is more of a "why do you wear make up at all, you're naturally beautiful..." misunderstanding. and yes, i know, he's a keeper.) i put on makeup on sitting on the floor, more often than not, in the middle of the living room.
and the only floor space available in previously discussed one bedroom apartment in this particular fourth floor walk up which we resided in, was right next to the radiator and its "charming" pre-(civil war)-cover. one day it squeaked.
"old heating systems make quite the racket," i thought to myself.
the next day it squeaked again, but that squeak was later accompanied by scratching in the walls while we slept. and i knew an old heating system wasn't to blame. but i was in denial. i mean who wants to admit that they live in an apartment with cockroaches AND mice. not me. until one day i couldn't ignore it anymore.
thats the day my fiance woke me up by running in to the bedroom, jumping up on the bed, screaming like a girl..."THERES A MOUSE IN OUR APARTMENT."
"nooooo," i said as i sleepily crept in to the living room where i learned that i move remarkably fast and jump incredibly high because i saw that mouse too ( the little bugger ran right behind my conveniently located (makeup) mirror knocking over a few things hidden behind it on the way and scurried right behind our couch) and i jumped right up on top of a bar stool where i (more acceptably) screamed like a girl. "GET OUT HERE AND GET IT. EW EW EW!"
and the next ten minutes was filled with scuffling of one rather tall man, one tiny mouse, one incredible small living room, and roughly nine million objects hidden behind our couch (and hey, before you start calling me a hoarder remember, the apartment was small.really really small. i'd store things wherever i could.) oh right, and me yelling "THERE HE IS. GET HIM. GET HIM!"
once the mouse was back in his hole, the radiator cover nailed to the wall, and anything the mouse may have possibly touched (blankets, a yoga mat, hairspray...) tossed into the garbage we headed outside to convince ourselves living in new york has its benefits (like the homeless lady who always sat outside our apartment or the fresh scent of garbage that lines the streets on a sunday morning).
strike two.
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