Monday, November 15, 2010

all (you) want for christmas.

as i have mentioned in a previous post i have aged 30 years over night and the highlight of my month is no longer dollar pitchers at the local bar, but finding the latest real simple in my mailbox. while i usually ogle over the recipe section, december's issue had me drooling over the splendid offerings of their annual gift guide.

("wait a minute. scratch that. reverse it." - willy wonka)

here are a few that have made their way to my "must buy" list...

1. eco tennis balls and bucket for the dog-owners in my life (which unfortunately does not include myself)

2. my beer guzzling buddies are sure to find, etched pint glasses in their stocking this year. (the mustache is my personal favorite.)

3. for a certain hostess-with-the-mostess, a custom state-shaped cutting board
4. i know a certain nature loving boy who will find this anatomical frog puzzle "cool", "rad", or whatever phrase kids these days are using.

5. while another little guy in my life thats five going on 55 will look just a tad bit too cute in this tie tee-shirt, which comes in a variety of color combinations.

6. the city dwellers on my list will thank me for these crocheted headphones - not only can they stay warm, maintain ultimate style, and listen to music, but they can also tune out the homeless guy singing on the train.
7. these eyeglass straws, while used simultaneously with above mentioned mustache glass could make for one dapper drunk. drink up monsieur.

8. and for myself this classic, elegant, tracy reese l.b.d.

you are welcome.


  1. RS is the best mag. I'm too cheap though so I visit their online edition instead. Nothing validates being a homebody more than an hour with a Real Simple magazine. Aweosme gifts ideas, too Ash!
