i can sum up my emotions of this past weekend in one word, freedom.
and no, i'm not talking the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (as awesome as all that is.) i'm talking about wind in your hair, radio blaring, sweet sweet 16 year old, just got my drivers license car driving freedom.
you see, the past five'ish years of my life i have lived in a big city where owning a car was darn near impossible. (trust me, i borrowed one once and got it towed twice. in 24 hours.) but now that jason and i have aged roughly 30 years over night and have made the big move to the 'burbs of NYC, not owning a car is darn near impossible. (trust me, going to target loses its appeal when you have to walk home with an oversized pack of toilet paper in your hand no matter how good of a deal you got on it.)
to be fair, we have a "car", but i'm using that term loosely. its tiny, it seats two people, its a convertible, i can carry more in my arms than you can even begin to imagine squeezing into the "trunk", and stick shift. so on top of all that impracticality throw in my questionable driving record, my inability to hold on to a wallet for more than a few months and therefore my drivers license, and that impossible to learn manual transmission and you have one ride-bumming trapped ashley.
but this weekend we bought a car. a real car. a real automatic car. a brand new real automatic car - a mini countryman. (it has a back seat! it has trunk space! it has naviation, reclining seats, a port to plug in your iphone!) and it is so brand new that it doesn't even come out until january.
oh wait.
...i guess what i'm trying to say is i feel like a 15 and half year old. you know - just got my temps and can't really drive, but can still smell that sweet scent of freedom, freedom, freeeedom.
oh well whatever, i'll be busy until january anyway. i mean i have to practice my mini wave (so i can greet my fellow mini owners on the road. and shoot, if there isn't one - i'll be busy making one up because there clearly should be one), read up on ny driving laws (did you know you can't turn right on red in nyc?), and brush up on my flirting so i can get out of the tickets i'll inevitably deserve (i'm joking jason.) (not really.)
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